
originally wrote this with friends in 2018
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super camp lazlio bros

super mario camp lazlo cross over pls enjoy thanks =)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1

It was a normal day at camp kidney. The scouts and the Jelly cabin were just now waking up

yawn said lazlo


Jesus christ said raj

Whats going on said lazlo


Clam is being a little bitch said raj

Dont be fucking rude siad lazlo


Ok clam whats wrong your going to disturb everyone said lazlo

Shut the FUCK up said raj

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa said clam

Raj stop being a bitch im trying to help him said lazlo

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa said clam

Clam can you say words said lazlo

Aa said clam

Ok. said lazlo


SUDDENLY a portal open in the sky

What the heck!! Said lazlo

What ssaid raj

Protal! Said clam

The portal


Chapter 2

Everything was just peachy keen in the mucshroom kingdom

Mario was asleep still for some reason until he and everyone else in the muschroomkingdoom was sucked up into the purple portal

Mama mia!

Chapter 3

Mario fell onto the middle of camp kindey

Oof he said like in super mario 64

Luigi fell after Mario, landing into Leaky Lake. Splaosh! "Whadt," said Luigi.

Peach and the toads fell next


They landed

Then there was BOWSER

He was yelling

He landed on scoutmaster looiumpus , killing him instantly

"Oh hell yeah," said Slinkman, who was watching from the window.

What the heck!

Luigi swam to the shore of Leaky Lake. "Whata the heck is goin on" he said.w\

He walked towards the camp. "Oh my god," he said. Boser just killed someone!!!!!!! For Real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And where the heck did peach and mario and everyone else go???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Luigi walked towards the camp more until he was Actually there. "Bowsr=er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1" said Luigi.

Just befor luigi can confrotn bowser, lazlo and pals !skeddadle on over to save the


Who the hekc is going on yell lazzlo

A said bowser

Just then ;....................................................................................................................................,mario get up

Lugi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yourealive said mariuo

"Yeah," said luigi , killing mario instantly.

"Oh god damn it i didnt mean for that to happen shit," said Luigi, tears running down his face.

Oh my god said lazlo

MAIRO said clamp

Who the hell are these people and whats going on said raj

"I feel like im having a stroke," siad Slinkman. "I have to do something" he walked down to outside where everything was happening.

Luigi was still crying.

Bowserwas trying to console the sad little green man

He knew luigi didnt mean it . he knew how ti felt . after all , bowser accidentally did th e same with jr''

Its goign to be ok luigoi he said

"H" said luigi while crying.

Lazlo and raj and clam were still in shock

In fact clam was foaming at the mouth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh jmy god said raj

Are you ok clam said lazlo

Slinkman was still processing the situation.

Suddenly, he realized what was going on. The Facade Of The Camp faded away , the true location of the Astral Plane was revealed.

"Louimpos was never real" he said quietly.

Everyone else suddenly realized too

Camp lazlo fake said everyone

Luigi still crying "what does that mean.................." he said, weeping, head in his hands.

I think were in hell now said bowser

Lazlo contemplated his mortality

"Where.......................did peach go................................................and the everyone else...................." said luigi still crying.

Mushroom said clam


Luigi abruptly stopped crying. "Slinkman." he said. MArio wasnt ther,e. "H-How do you know my name?" said slinkman.

Alzo and co are very confused

"It's not important." said Luigi. His eyes began to glow. He stood up. "I have ascended. In order to complete my ascension from this realm, we need to fuse." Suddenly, Slinkman understood. He nodded, "it's not like im ever getting better, yeehaw." Said Slinkman.

Luigi fused with Slinkman. "Now I will sprout out my retinas," He said.

the end! lol
