may 29th 2023
hello again! i figured out how to do image scrolling everyone pat me on the back so nicelys
- added a subpage to sunflower field
- added scrolling to a few pages, including:
  - secret page on AGHH
  - beanos page
  - AIMWHENPISS!!!! im happy about that one especially because my original solution was literally so dumb and needlessly complex to make LMAO
- slight changes mostly for structure stuff behind the scenes!
- started working on a new page for sect C but idk when itll be done lol
- i think thats everything! peace and love on planet earth

april 8th 2023
hi for the love of GOD hello
its 1am. i moved out of a garbage living situation like 2 months ago. im alive and i love website. Real and true.
- added a page in sect A (actually made sometime in 2022 but never added an actual link to the homepage LOL)
- added a page in sect C (sampled video/audio pre-edit can be found here!)

october 10th 2022
holy shit 2 updates in the same month . halloween miracle
- updated stamps page and sleepy page!
- added invader fuk page in sect B!
- other misc mostly behind the scenes file junk!

october 4th 2022
- added stamps page in sect D!! been meaning to do this one for a while
still a wip however

june 22nd 2022
oh good lird
- added a page in sect B ...
- updated the promo page slightly
- genuinely cant remember if i did anything else!

march 13th 2022
i continue to be alive and we now have a gifypet directly below this box!
- you already read hte damn ........ the pet is tails thoulgh . taisls
- things continue to happen

feburary 24th 2022
lets pretend i didnt leave the about page mostly finished for like 2 weeks before promptly forgetting about it
- updated about, old about still accessible via /sectD/abt-old.html
- might add more shit later WHO KNOWS. i have been getting hit witha HAMMER by everything ever for a little bit

january 9th 2022
doing great at this "regularly updating my webbed site" thing!
- added a page in sect A
- surviving

january 3rd 2022 technically (its 12am here)
oops i keep having ideas
- added a page in sect C, but its like a litlte personal so i have no idea how long im going to keep it there!
itll never be deleted but i might remove the direct link to it sometime. ynever know

january 2nd 2022
woah!!!! another update so soon!!! must be a news year miracle
- added a page in sect B
- changed the cursor on the index/home pages so its a little wii cursor =›
- realized autoplay straight up doesnt work on chrome and trying to find ways to fix it!

december 30th 2021
the year is almost over and i am sick but i had an idea so i made it ... record time!!!
- added a page in sect C
- thats it for now lol

november 20th 2021
oops its been 3 months!
- gonna add a new page to sect B soon but idrk if its ready yet lol
if u wanna see it as is go to my profile and click the thingy there (;´д`)
- going to do more stuffs soon probably hoepfully <(_ _)>

july 30th 2021
- added a new page in sect C! i wanna do a bit more with it at some point since ive had this character for a while... but idk. we'll see!

july 25th 2021
- pikagifs page updated

july 20th 2021
- new page added! klonoa falling o_o (coding it gave me hell even tho its really simple)
- im gonna do other stuff but i havent done it yet at the time of writing this so um stay tuned oops!

july 18th 2021
- new site is now open!! yayyy
- updated a bunch of small stuff
- comic is gone for the moment until i figure out what i wanna do with it @_@
- new page added in sect A

- condense a bunch of css files into the html files of most pages
- site layout overhaul
- update older code so it sucks less